Bernhard Callebaut
Bernhard Callebaut (Belgium, 1953-). Studied Law, and Sociology. PhD in Social Sciences. Teached at the University of Antwerp, Rome, Lublin. Holding currently the Chair of Sociology at Sophia University Institute (Loppiano, Florence). Published in the field of Sociology of Cultural and Religious Processes. Founding member of the international Research Group Social One, of the Interreligious Research Group Wings of Unity and the Research Group on Transversal Ethics DIALOP. Author of the first academic study on the story of the Focolari: La nascita dei Focolari. Storia e sociologia di un carisma, Città Nuova 2017, 636 p., and Le religioni in dialogo e carisma dell’unità. Analisi sociologica, Città Nuova-Tracce, 2021, 250 p.