Lorella Congiunti

Doctor of Philosophy and Theology. She is married and is a mother of three children. She holds the chair of Nature of Philosophy, a branch of the Faculty of Philosophy, at the Pontifical Urbanian University and is also currently teaching Metaphysics in the same faculty. Moreover, she is head of the ISTA – International Society Thomas Aquinas and executive director of the ISA – Institute of the Research on Unbelief and Cultures. She has been vice rector of the Pontifical Urbanian University (2013-2017). She teaches Integral Ecology, Studies on Saint Thomas, and Women and Church for the Joint Diploma.
Some of her monographs: Subjectivity and Ontology (1996), Reason and its opposite (2004), The subject of knowledge and modern science (2005), Atheist atheism (2014), The features of nature’s philosophy (2010, 2nd edition 2016), Study of Thomistic themes: Da Razão à Fé em Tomás de Aquino (2015), Oulines of Philosophy of Nature (2020).